Our Goal

Our goal is normalise the struggles that are part of the TCK life and to provide a biblically-based foundation for our youth and young adults.

The desired outcome of this program is for participating TCK’s to develop language around the emotions that are common to this life and see that they have a God who intimately understands them and their experiences.

Our Vision

Interwoven exists to develop intentional Gospel filled content and authentic space for relationship with Third Culture Kids.

Our Mission

Interwoven exists to develop intentional Gospel filled content and authentic space for relationship with Third Culture Kids.

Our Values

1. Central to our values as an organisation is our belief that God is who He says He is in scripture and our work is in submission to Him.

2. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and speaks into every part of the human experience.

3. We see Third Culture Kids as an intentional part of God’s plan which means their spiritual growth and formation is a vital part of cross-cultural ministry.

Meet the Team

  • Being a TCK who had two TCKs as parents I feel like I have come by my Third Culture identification honestly. My own journey has been a blend of treasured experiences and struggles, much like anyone else’s.

    One of my most distinct memories was the first time someone taught the Word of God like it was a message for me. I had heard it, sung it and recited it my whole life. I think it was assumed that I had got the message that God’s love was for me simply by the environment I lived in. But I really hadn’t. It wasn’t until a teacher took the time to teach the Bible like it was for my very soul and not just a tool for ministry that I came to understand that God wanted a relationship with me!

    My prayer is that TCKs might meet God in the same way and believe that God knows them, sees them, and loves them.

  • I grew up in Australia and have only moved three times in my whole life. I have a Bachelor of Social Work degree and a Graduate Diploma in Divinity. I became passionate about working with TCKs after helping at a team retreat for Interserve. I came to realise that throughout my youth, I had friends who were Third Culture Kids and how much I valued their friendship. After returning from the retreat, I started to ask questions about what was needed to support these young people as they returned to their passport countries. Helping them find their identity in Christ was highlighted as a key need.

    In 2016, I moved to Cambodia where I worked with an international school and served at the international youth group which gave me better understanding of TCKs. Since coming back to Australia, my passion is to see TCKs well cared for and for organizations to do membercare with our children well.

    Interwoven is a passion of mine and I want to see mission agencies work together to share the Gospel, particularly in caring for children and young adults.

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